E-invoicing compliance and regulatory updates - Saudi Arabia

Electronic Invoicing in Saudi Arabia

Is e-invoicing mandatory in Saudi Arabia ?

Saudi Arabia is in the process of moving from a post audit model to a clearance model.

In December 2020, The General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) announced the implementation of e-invoicing for Saudi residents who are liable for tax. This will become law in December 2021, and by June 2022, all liable residents must be integrated with the GAZT portal. Non-residents and non-taxpayers will still be able to issue paper invoices.

The first phase of the e-invoicing implementation expected in December 2021, will involve creating invoices in any structured format and all the fields required by The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA). Phase two has a gradual implementation starting from January 2023 until June 2024, integrating the new ZATCA e-invoicing platform.

Once the invoice is checked and approved by ZATCA, will be sent by the supplier to the buyer. It is mentioned that the invoice will be legally binding just from the moment is approved by the public portal.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.

Electronic Invoicing in Saudi Arabia

Is e-invoicing mandatory in Saudi Arabia ?

Saudi Arabia is in the process of moving from a post audit model to a clearance model.

In December 2020, The General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) announced the implementation of e-invoicing for Saudi residents who are liable for tax. This will become law in December 2021, and by June 2022, all liable residents must be integrated with the GAZT portal. Non-residents and non-taxpayers will still be able to issue paper invoices.

The first phase of the e-invoicing implementation expected in December 2021, will involve creating invoices in any structured format and all the fields required by The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA). Phase two has a gradual implementation starting from January 2023 until June 2024, integrating the new ZATCA e-invoicing platform.

Once the invoice is checked and approved by ZATCA, will be sent by the supplier to the buyer. It is mentioned that the invoice will be legally binding just from the moment is approved by the public portal.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.


Invoices can be stored either in paper form or digitally, however, both must be stored in Saudi Arabia. This includes digital invoices, which must be achrived on servers located in the country.

All invoices must be retained for a minimum of 6 years, although some, dependent on the service they relate to, must be retained for a minimum of 11 years.

Want to know more about Basware’s archiving services?

Download our Basware Vault fact sheet here to learn more about our flexible and scalable solution.

Basware Services

Basware offers CloudScan for clients to scan their paper invoices through optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Basware is studying on how we can facilitate access to the GAZT portal in due course.

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Basware currently has no connections to any interoperability partners in Saudi Arabia.

Our advice

Saudi Arabia is moving from a post audit model to a clearance model for all Saudi residents who are liable to pay tax. Basware will be working closely with partners in the country to ensure we are ready to comply with the changing regulations.

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Electronic Invoicing in Saudi Arabia

Is e-invoicing mandatory in Saudi Arabia ?

Saudi Arabia is in the process of moving from a post audit model to a clearance model.

In December 2020, The General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) announced the implementation of e-invoicing for Saudi residents who are liable for tax. This will become law in December 2021, and by June 2022, all liable residents must be integrated with the GAZT portal. Non-residents and non-taxpayers will still be able to issue paper invoices.

The first phase of the e-invoicing implementation expected in December 2021, will involve creating invoices in any structured format and all the fields required by The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA). Phase two has a gradual implementation starting from January 2023 until June 2024, integrating the new ZATCA e-invoicing platform.

Once the invoice is checked and approved by ZATCA, will be sent by the supplier to the buyer. It is mentioned that the invoice will be legally binding just from the moment is approved by the public portal.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.