E-invoicing compliance and regulatory updates - Brazil

Electronic Invoicing Brazil

Brazil was one of the pioneers in e-Invoicing in Latin America after adopting the clearance model in 2005. However, its invoicing system is one of the most complex around the world.

Electronic invoicing (Nota Fiscal Eletrônica or NF-e) is mandatory in Brazil. All invoices flow from the supplier to the government, after they have been cleared by the tax authority. Then they are forwarded to the respective buyer.

The responsible tax authority is the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda) which cooperates with state institutions in enforcing and monitoring tax regulations. The NF-e is only valid if it carries an electronic signature of the sender as well as the verification of the SEFAZ in terms of an authorization barcode (Documento Auxiliar da NF-e or DANF-e).

All e-invoices in Brazil must be in the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda - Brazilian Tax Authority) mandated XML format, contain mandatory invoice data, and have a valid digital signature.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.

Electronic Invoicing Brazil

Brazil was one of the pioneers in e-Invoicing in Latin America after adopting the clearance model in 2005. However, its invoicing system is one of the most complex around the world.

Electronic invoicing (Nota Fiscal Eletrônica or NF-e) is mandatory in Brazil. All invoices flow from the supplier to the government, after they have been cleared by the tax authority. Then they are forwarded to the respective buyer.

The responsible tax authority is the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda) which cooperates with state institutions in enforcing and monitoring tax regulations. The NF-e is only valid if it carries an electronic signature of the sender as well as the verification of the SEFAZ in terms of an authorization barcode (Documento Auxiliar da NF-e or DANF-e).

All e-invoices in Brazil must be in the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda - Brazilian Tax Authority) mandated XML format, contain mandatory invoice data, and have a valid digital signature.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.


Digital invoice archiving is allowed in Brazil, and all records must be kept for a period of 5 years.

Digital records can be stored outside of Brazil as long as online access and download capabilities can be guaranteed from within Brazil.

Basware provides compliant archiving capabilities through our partnership with GoSocket.

Want to know more about Basware’s archiving services?

Download our Basware Vault fact sheet here to learn more about our flexible and scalable solution.

Basware Services

Basware services supports receiving Brazilian NF‐e and CT‐e (Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico) invoices through our partnership with GoSocket.

NFS-e (Nota Fiscal de Serviços Eletrônica) invoices and other electronic message types can be supported as an additional service. A separate implementation project is needed due to the complex and location specific requirements. All e-invoices in Brazil must be in the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda - Brazilian Tax Authority) mandated XML format, contain mandatory invoice data, and have a valid digital signature.

Basware does not currently provide invoice sending services in Brazil.

Want to find out how we can help in your specific case?

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Basware currently has no connections to any interoperability partners in Brazil.

However, we do have local partners supporting the Basware Network with access to governmental portals.

Our advice

Many Latin American countries, including Brazil, have now adopted an invoice clearance model.

For buyers processing significant invoice volume Basware can provide a solid solution to automate the invoice receiving process. We can connect to the government SAT environment through our partner and certified provider, GoSocket. We advise automating the invoice receiving process by connecting to the governmental platform through the Basware Network.

For suppliers, a manual upload to the governmental portal is possible. For large volumes we would advise to establish an automated connection.

Want to understand how we can help in your case?

Get in touch with our experts.

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Electronic Invoicing Brazil

Brazil was one of the pioneers in e-Invoicing in Latin America after adopting the clearance model in 2005. However, its invoicing system is one of the most complex around the world.

Electronic invoicing (Nota Fiscal Eletrônica or NF-e) is mandatory in Brazil. All invoices flow from the supplier to the government, after they have been cleared by the tax authority. Then they are forwarded to the respective buyer.

The responsible tax authority is the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda) which cooperates with state institutions in enforcing and monitoring tax regulations. The NF-e is only valid if it carries an electronic signature of the sender as well as the verification of the SEFAZ in terms of an authorization barcode (Documento Auxiliar da NF-e or DANF-e).

All e-invoices in Brazil must be in the SEFAZ (Secretaria de Fazenda - Brazilian Tax Authority) mandated XML format, contain mandatory invoice data, and have a valid digital signature.

Want to learn more about e-Invoicing compliance?

Download our Global e-invoicing and Tax Compliance fact sheet here for more information.