Our Environmental Impact

We aim to foster environmental responsibility among our employees, customers and suppliers to make sustainable business happen.

Basware is committed to minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities worldwide. We aim to foster environmental awareness and responsibility among our employees, customers and suppliers.

We maintain accreditations, including Ecovadis and CDP, as well as having a corporate environmental policy, which outlines how we account for environmental challenges in our business operations.

Our Business Activities

We’re continually seeking ways to reduce our company’s carbon footprint with actions such as improving the energy efficiency of our office locations, reducing business travel via collaborative technologies and online meeting tools, and considering renewable energy sources where feasible.

See our corporate environmental policy, which outlines how we account for environmental challenges in our business operations, for more information on our commitment to sustainability.

Norwegian Transparency Report 2022

Norway is a forerunner in taking supply chain transparency requirements to the next level, and Basware is amongst the first companies to have published a Transparency report according to these new standards. The 2022 Transparency Report is the first time any Basware entity has published a transparency report and carry out due diligence according to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.

For enquiries, contact Johanna Sjöström: johanna.sjostrom@basware.com 

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