Our Environmental Impact

We aim to foster environmental responsibility among our employees, customers and suppliers to make sustainable business happen.

Basware is committed to minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities worldwide. We aim to foster environmental awareness and responsibility among our employees, customers and suppliers.

We maintain accreditations, including Ecovadis and CDP, as well as having a corporate environmental policy, which outlines how we account for environmental challenges in our business operations.



Basware tracks and reports its greenhouse gas emissions annually, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of our environmental impact and opportunities for improvement.

See pages 23-27 of our Sustainability Report for more information ->

Sustainable Offices

Basware strives for sustainable office solutions and, where feasible, chooses locations, services and vendors that lead to an energy efficient, safe and healthy office work environment.

Read more on page 24 of our Sustainability Report ->

  Switching to renewable energy

We are switching to renewable electricity whenever possible and are in ongoing discussions with our landlords about switching to renewable energy and finding sustainable cooling and heating solutions

  Energy consumption

We aim to save energy by only using the office space we need. When furnishing or refurbishing our offices, we strive to only use energy-efficient, sustainable amenities, materials, and solutions.

 Facility management

Basware considers office sizes based on the actual needs and aims to utilize co-working offices for smaller locations to minimize negative impact on the environment.

 Water-saving initiatives

We strive to use water efficiently in all our offices and are identifying opportunities to reduce usage together with our landlords.

 Waste reduction and recycling

We aim to reduce our waste through sorting, collection, reuse, and recycling measures. During refurbishment projects, we seek to avoid landfills by reusing, donating, selling, or recycling as much as possible, and use environmentally friendly disposal methods for end-of-life electronic and IT equipment, such as laptops, monitors, accessories, batteries, and toner cartridges

Low-emission business travel and commuting

 Business travel

As a global company with offices all over the world, managing our business operations inevitably requires travel. However, we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of this by leveraging collaborative technologies where possible, and we have established responsible business travel guidelines as part of our global travel policy.

Where travel is necessary, we aim to educate and empower employees to make informed choices. Through our travel booking system, employees have access to information about emissions associated with their travel choices before they book their trip, enabling them to make decisions like choosing more eco-friendly flights and accommodation.

 Responsible commuting

When choosing our office locations, we focus on accessibility as one of the key criteria, ensuring there are good public transport links and convenient commuting options available for employees.

Basware’s 'When and Where we Work Framework' enables a hybrid working model, granting employees the flexibility to choose between working remotely or in a Basware office. In some countries, we also provide a car benefit program, electric vehicle charging facilities, government supported bike to work schemes.

Read more on page 25 of our Sustainability Report ->

Environmental responsibility in our supply chain

We are committed to monitoring and addressing environmental impacts across the supply chain. Before selecting vendors, suppliers must go through an ESG assessment which covers environmental issues.

Read more about our Sustainable Procurement practices on page 49 of our Sustainability Report ->


Helping to combat Climate Change

Basware has sponsored Earth Day Network’s Canopy Project - a global reforestation program for eight consecutive years as part of its annual employee engagement survey.

As a thank you for each of the Basware employees responding to the survey, over 15,000 trees have been planted in Uganda and India since 2016.

In 2023 alone, 2,690 trees were planted on behalf of Basware employees and customers.

Want to read more?

Read more about Basware's Environmental Impact on page 21 of our Sustainability Report.