
Manufacturing Industry Factsheet

When it comes to financial processes, manufacturing organisations are still mired in paper and manual, labor-intensive processes. Simultaneously, they are under tremendous pressure to increase efficiencies, contain costs, and strengthen supplier relations. 

Basware’s suite of purchase-to-pay (P2P) solutions for the manufacturing industry deliver processing efficiencies and cost savings, rein in maverick spending, and offer real-time visibility into overall spend. Organisations can easily manage assets and inventory and automate complex materials transfer processes, allowing them to track high-value equipment as it moves from one location to another and track the value of items based on their condition.

Read our fact sheet to learn about the benefits Basware brings to manufacturing organisations, including:

  • See cash commitments and spend against budgets

  • Track the location, condition, and valuation of materials with comprehensive audit trails

  • Eliminate maverick spending and prevent budget overages

  • Increase compliance with internal purchasing policies

  • Reduce approval workflow bottlenecks

  • Decrease cycle times in the purchase-to-pay process

  • Get end-to-end visibility across the entire procure-to-pay process

  • Ensure global VAT compliance