What is Invoice Automation?

Managing invoices is an essential part of any business, but it can often be time-consuming and prone to errors. Fortunately, with advances in technology, invoice automation has become a popular solution for companies looking to streamline their invoice management processes, improve efficiency and save costs.

What is Invoice Automation?

Invoice automation is the use of technology to automate and streamline the entire invoice processing workflow. It involves the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to capture data from invoices, validate it against pre-set rules, and automate various tasks such as data entry, coding, approval workflows, etc. Invoice automation can be applied to both accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) processes.

Why Automate Invoices?

Improved Efficiency

Manual invoice processing can be time-consuming due to data entry, validation and approval workflows. Invoice automation eliminates the need for manual data entry and automates these repetitive tasks, resulting in improved efficiency through both reduced errors and a speedier process.

Enhanced Accuracy and Compliance

Manual invoice processing is prone to errors, such as data entry mistakes, coding errors, or missed approvals, which can result in payment delays, disputes, or financial penalties. Invoice automation uses intelligent technology to accurately capture data from invoices and validate it, ensuring accuracy and compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements. This helps to minimize errors, prevent payment delays, and enhance compliance, reducing the risk of financial losses and legal issues.

Cost Savings

Invoice automation can result in significant cost savings for a company. By reducing the time and effort required for manual data entry and processing, companies can reduce labor costs and free up their staff to focus on tasks that add more value.

Faster Payments and Improved Cash Flow

Invoice automation accelerates the invoice approval process, allowing companies to pay their vendors on time, take advantage of early payment discounts, and avoid late payment fees.

On the accounts receivable side, automated invoice processing enables faster invoice delivery, validation, and payment collection, resulting in improved cash flow for the company.

Enhanced Visibility and Reporting

Invoice automation provides real-time visibility into the entire invoice processing workflow, allowing companies to track the status of invoices, identify bottlenecks and monitor KPIs. This visibility helps management make informed decisions, optimize processes, and improve cash flow forecasting.

Invoice automation also generates detailed reports and analytics, providing insights into spending patterns, supplier performance, and financial metrics, which can be used for strategic planning and negotiations with vendors.

Scalability and Integration

Companies need a solution that will grow with them and invoice automation solutions can be easily scaled to accommodate that, regardless of size or industry. Invoice automation software can also be integrated with other enterprise systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), or Procurement systems, creating a seamless end-to-end process from purchase to payment. This integration eliminates manual data entry and improves data accuracy, leading to greater process efficiency and cost savings.

Learn more about invoice automation

To find out more about invoice automation and what Basware AP Automation can do for your business, visit our AP Automation page or speak to a member of the team.